Cured Meat
Italian salami is a term to define a meat food , raw or cooked , with the addition of salt , sometimes animal fat , herbs , and spices. Generally , in its English translation the term “salami” is used to indicate salami , sausages , cold cuts and typical Italian hams. The cured meats constitute one of the most ingredients uses for the preparation of pizza in particular the spicy salami , as in the case of the "Pizza alla diavola " and the raw ham which is used in combination with other ingredients , as in the case of " pizza capricciosa " and " pizza 4 stagioni " , or it is simply uses with mozzarella in " pizza con prosciutto ".

Cured Meat

Italian salami is a term to define a meat food , raw or cooked , with the addition of salt , sometimes animal fat , herbs , and spices. Generally , in its English translation the term “salami” is used to indicate salami , sausages , cold cuts and typical Italian hams. The cured meats constitute one of the most ingredients uses for the preparation of pizza in particular the spicy salami , as in the case of the "Pizza alla diavola " and the raw ham which is used in combination with other ingredients , as in the case of " pizza capricciosa " and " pizza 4 stagioni " , or it is simply uses with mozzarella in " pizza con prosciutto ".
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