In a poor society like Italy in ancient time,the first sweets were born by enriching bread and were for a long time reserved only for the most important celebrations.These sweets were prepared in many different ways in order to use them as offerings to gods.In greek and roman times,sweets were prepared with eggs,wheat flour or oats,milk, honey and wine;the ingredients of the toppings were almonds,dates,figs,quince,walnuts and soft cheeses.During the Middle Age,there weren’t great changes into these elementary forms of pastry,which were prepared especially in the courts and in convents.After the year 1000,thanks to Arab merchants,sweets were enriched with spices,spirits and aroma of citrus.Cookbooks of the fourteenth century were full of cinnamon,vanilla,pepper and saffron.Frittelle, marzapanetti and panpepati were the most famous recipes, but several sources also indicate confetti, mostaccioli and torroni.An important evolution began at the end of the XVI century:the first change was due to the increased availability of sugar (essential to candy fruit),then for the emergence of creams, chocolates, shortcrust pastries and puff pastries. Modern stuffed cakes became reality only at the end of 1600 The cakes with butter mixture appeared in the early '700, while the gluttons had to wait until the early XIX cent. to enjoy cakes made with eggs and chocolate.


In a poor society like Italy in ancient time,the first sweets were born by enriching bread and were for a long time reserved only for the most important celebrations.These sweets were prepared in many different ways in order to use them as offerings to gods.In greek and roman times,sweets were prepared with eggs,wheat flour or oats,milk, honey and wine;the ingredients of the toppings were almonds,dates,figs,quince,walnuts and soft cheeses.During the Middle Age,there weren’t great changes into these elementary forms of pastry,which were prepared especially in the courts and in convents.After the year 1000,thanks to Arab merchants,sweets were enriched with spices,spirits and aroma of citrus.Cookbooks of the fourteenth century were full of cinnamon,vanilla,pepper and saffron.Frittelle, marzapanetti and panpepati were the most famous recipes, but several sources also indicate confetti, mostaccioli and torroni.An important evolution began at the end of the XVI century:the first change was due to the increased availability of sugar (essential to candy fruit),then for the emergence of creams, chocolates, shortcrust pastries and puff pastries. Modern stuffed cakes became reality only at the end of 1600 The cakes with butter mixture appeared in the early '700, while the gluttons had to wait until the early XIX cent. to enjoy cakes made with eggs and chocolate.
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