Veggie & Salads
Finger Food
Prepare quick appetizers for any event it will totally change the look of your table and your lunch or dinner: in fact only a very rich flow presentation with a kind of following of small samples, you can whet the appetite of your guests . Think about it the great ceremonies: appetizer moment is more fun and varied, and sometimes almost sorry when it comes the turn of the first courses. How to choose the starters? Well you have to consider that these are the business card of your dinner, and then it will also indicate the type. Remember that the starter should be light and especially delicate, since it is usually a good idea to increase the intensity of flavor gradually that the meal progresses. So try to leave the tasty appetizers only if the dishes that follow it will be the most. Fried appetizers seem complicated to prepare, but getting organized and leaving the last moment only the operation of the fry, you will have no problems in preparing them. In fact a good frying really requires a few minutes. You can fry both fish and vegetables, depending on the other flow of which will be composed of the menu.
Finger Food
Prepare quick appetizers for any event it will totally change the look of your table and your lunch or dinner: in fact only a very rich flow presentation with a kind of following of small samples, you can whet the appetite of your guests . Think about it the great ceremonies: appetizer moment is more fun and varied, and sometimes almost sorry when it comes the turn of the first courses. How to choose the starters? Well you have to consider that these are the business card of your dinner, and then it will also indicate the type. Remember that the starter should be light and especially delicate, since it is usually a good idea to increase the intensity of flavor gradually that the meal progresses. So try to leave the tasty appetizers only if the dishes that follow it will be the most. Fried appetizers seem complicated to prepare, but getting organized and leaving the last moment only the operation of the fry, you will have no problems in preparing them. In fact a good frying really requires a few minutes. You can fry both fish and vegetables, depending on the other flow of which will be composed of the menu.
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P.I. 03371340542 REA PG - 284455 Cap. soc. interamente versato € 85.000
P.I. 03371340542 REA PG - 284455 Cap. soc. interamente versato € 85.000
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