Italy is one of the most consumer of coffee in the world and it has an important culture of coffee with typical uses.
It is estimated that Italians consume in one year 5,6 Kilos coffee pro Person.
There are many different coffee types and ways to drink it.
„Espresso“ is normally drunk fast and at the bar counter whereas Cappuccino is consumed only for breakfast and with a piece of cake or with croissant.
In addition to espresso and cappuccino Italians drink often caffè corretto with a bit of liquor, mocaccino with cocoa, latte macchiato and caffè shakerato with ice.
Some regions have also their specialities such as caffè alla valdostana, that is drunk in a particular wood container or caffè al limone, that is typical of Campania and it is consumed with lemons of Sorrento.
Italy is one of the most consumer of coffee in the world and it has an important culture of coffee with typical uses. It is estimated that Italians consume in one year 5,6 Kilos coffee pro Person. There are many different coffee types and ways to drink it. „Espresso“ is normally drunk fast and at the bar counter whereas Cappuccino is consumed only for breakfast and with a piece of cake or with croissant. In addition to espresso and cappuccino Italians drink often caffè corretto with a bit of liquor, mocaccino with cocoa, latte macchiato and caffè shakerato with ice. Some regions have also their specialities such as caffè alla valdostana, that is drunk in a particular wood container or caffè al limone, that is typical of Campania and it is consumed with lemons of Sorrento.
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