Veggie & Salads
The chocolate is the basic ingredient for the preparation of a large variety of cookies, which differ from each other not only by type, but also for the use of quest'utltimo depending on the recipe. For example, different biscuits are prepared by the use of cocoa powder, while for other chocolate (milk or dark, depending on the tastes and the desired result) is added to the mixture after being dissolved in a water bath, or in flakes or drops. A common feature of all the preparations of biscuits between them, is that of the cooking in the oven: elapsed the cooking time, it is always advisable to let them cool within the furnace for 2-3 minutes before removing them, and then let cool for another 15 minutes once outside, so as to ensure the right consistency. The chocolate biscuits may be kept in a tin box for a period varying from 10 to 15 days, depending on the type, before they begin to be damaged. If the dough is of short pastry, the same dough can be frozen and stored for approximately 30 days, after being carefully wrapped in a film. The chocolate chip cookies can be simple, or enriched with the addition of special aromas - marry very well with lemon zest or orange - or nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios etc).
The chocolate is the basic ingredient for the preparation of a large variety of cookies, which differ from each other not only by type, but also for the use of quest'utltimo depending on the recipe. For example, different biscuits are prepared by the use of cocoa powder, while for other chocolate (milk or dark, depending on the tastes and the desired result) is added to the mixture after being dissolved in a water bath, or in flakes or drops. A common feature of all the preparations of biscuits between them, is that of the cooking in the oven: elapsed the cooking time, it is always advisable to let them cool within the furnace for 2-3 minutes before removing them, and then let cool for another 15 minutes once outside, so as to ensure the right consistency. The chocolate biscuits may be kept in a tin box for a period varying from 10 to 15 days, depending on the type, before they begin to be damaged. If the dough is of short pastry, the same dough can be frozen and stored for approximately 30 days, after being carefully wrapped in a film. The chocolate chip cookies can be simple, or enriched with the addition of special aromas - marry very well with lemon zest or orange - or nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios etc).
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P.I. 03371340542 REA PG - 284455 Cap. soc. interamente versato € 85.000
P.I. 03371340542 REA PG - 284455 Cap. soc. interamente versato € 85.000
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