Cereals and Legumes Salad
The salad of farro, barley and mixed grains, is tasty and balanced alternative to the early summer dishes. Unlike rice salad or pasta salad has a great advantage: grains such as spelled and barley more cooking and retain their texture remains firm and crispy longer.
Emmer and barley grains are known since antiquity. Over the centuries they have lost importance in favor of other cereals such as rice or wheat from which they were almost completely supplanted, but in recent years they are rediscovering, partly as a result of the increase of diseases such as celiac disease or intolerance to flour ; more and more people, in fact, have to follow diets that limit or avoid the pasta and then replace it with other flours coming precisely from emmer and barley. In traditional Italian recipes emmer and barley are used mainly in winter soups, but in summer they are also excellent eaten cold in salads. The farro salad or barley is a low-calorie dish and sazianteì. You can use vegetables in abundance, but also shellfish or boiled eggs, tasty cheese or beans, trying to combine the best ingredients to balance the final calorie intake. Particular attention should be paid also to the seasonings used; Never overdo the oil, preferably rather create emulsions with part oil and one part lemon, especially as farro and barley are very tasty and their beans are not likely to stick, the more reason to further limit the amount of oil used.