Stuffing or dressing a pizza with fish, shellfish or seafood might seem a risky choice, but on the contrary, according to recent surveys in the industry, it also proves to be one of the most appreciated by the Italians, probably because it conveys even more unmistakable some flavor " Mediterranean "this dish. Many varieties of fish and seafood in fact go well with the mixture of classic pizza, the latter is whether or not accompanied by the typical tomato-mozzarella combination. Among the timeless traditional recipes in this case, we find first of all the stuffed pizza with tuna, onion, capers and olives: a winning combination and loved by many. Same goes for anchovies, anchovies and shrimp. The most original choices in this case concern the condiments made with real fish and own, like salmon, bluefish, swordfish, sole etc, which follow different cooking - grilled, marinated, fried - or are even raw meats, depending on the tastes of each. Rather original or at least unusual are also condiments such as mussels, clams and shellfish.


Stuffing or dressing a pizza with fish, shellfish or seafood might seem a risky choice, but on the contrary, according to recent surveys in the industry, it also proves to be one of the most appreciated by the Italians, probably because it conveys even more unmistakable some flavor " Mediterranean "this dish. Many varieties of fish and seafood in fact go well with the mixture of classic pizza, the latter is whether or not accompanied by the typical tomato-mozzarella combination. Among the timeless traditional recipes in this case, we find first of all the stuffed pizza with tuna, onion, capers and olives: a winning combination and loved by many. Same goes for anchovies, anchovies and shrimp. The most original choices in this case concern the condiments made with real fish and own, like salmon, bluefish, swordfish, sole etc, which follow different cooking - grilled, marinated, fried - or are even raw meats, depending on the tastes of each. Rather original or at least unusual are also condiments such as mussels, clams and shellfish.
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