Falanghina is a very ancient vine, native to the slopes of the Taburno and some areas of Campi Flegrei, but for decades is also famous production performed in Sant'Agata de 'Goti. It gives rise to different Campania DOC, including Falanghina del Taburno, Campi Flegrei and Galluccio. The vine is the most common of the province of Benevento, its historic range up to thirty years ago were the municipalities of Montesarchio and Benevento, where centuries-old vineyards still survive. It is cultivated on the coast of Campania, in the north of Naples, and frequently consumed in southern Italy along with seafood.


Falanghina is a very ancient vine, native to the slopes of the Taburno and some areas of Campi Flegrei, but for decades is also famous production performed in Sant'Agata de 'Goti. It gives rise to different Campania DOC, including Falanghina del Taburno, Campi Flegrei and Galluccio. The vine is the most common of the province of Benevento, its historic range up to thirty years ago were the municipalities of Montesarchio and Benevento, where centuries-old vineyards still survive. It is cultivated on the coast of Campania, in the north of Naples, and frequently consumed in southern Italy along with seafood.
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