Bardolino Veneto
Bardolino is an Italian wine produced along the chain of morainic hills in the province of Verona. It takes its name from the town Bardolino on the shores of Lake Garda and was awarded DOC status in 1968. It is characterized by having a light ruby red color, sometimes tending to cherry, which becomes garnet with the time. Its aroma is vinous with a light delicate fragrance, the taste is dry, fruity, slightly bitter, harmonious, subtle, sometimes lightly sparkling.

Bardolino Veneto

Bardolino is an Italian wine produced along the chain of morainic hills in the province of Verona. It takes its name from the town Bardolino on the shores of Lake Garda and was awarded DOC status in 1968. It is characterized by having a light ruby red color, sometimes tending to cherry, which becomes garnet with the time. Its aroma is vinous with a light delicate fragrance, the taste is dry, fruity, slightly bitter, harmonious, subtle, sometimes lightly sparkling.
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