The 24th China (AnHui) International Wine and Food Fair

Binhu International Exhibition Center, Hefei

03-05 November 2023

On November 3, 2023, CAWFF2023 the 24th China (Anhui) International Wine and Food Fair was grandly opened in Hefei Binhu International Exhibition Center, and the exhibition will last until November 5. This exhibition, as the annual closing exhibition of Anhui Wine and Food Industry Exhibition in 2023, has a warm atmosphere for on-site exchanges and negotiations, which has played a positive role in boosting the confidence and market activity of the current Anhui and surrounding provinces and cities, and has built an effective platform for the layout of the upcoming Spring Festival peak season for wine and food enterprises ...

On the first day of the 24th Anhui Wine and Food Fair, wine, food, beverages, prepared dishes, agricultural products, packaging and machinery and equipment enterprises from inside and outside Anhui Province made a wonderful appearance at the exhibition site, and from the national wine and food industry distributors, buyers, face-to-face exchanges, negotiations, cooperation, the scene atmosphere is warm.

At the same time, gathered from different regions at home and abroad, different categories, different flavors of wine products, for the professional audience to bring a wine industry selection feast.

During the three-day exhibition period, the exhibitors and professional visitors of the 24th Anhui Wine and Food exhibition held full negotiations, exchanges and cooperation. The effectiveness of Anhui Wine and Food will once again highlight, effectively help the wine manufacturers in Anhui and the surrounding provinces and cities to develop the market, but also give full play to the Anhui wine and wine exhibition, exchange and cooperation, information sharing, active economy of the industry exhibition characteristics, for the current wine and wine industry confidence boost contributed to the "Anhui wine and food" strength.

100ITA attended once again this important event, maybe the one with the most resonance in China, with its authentic Italian wines and food products: satisfy the curiosity and spread the culture and love for the real Made in Italy food and wines among all the visitors. More than 10 producers took part to these important event, like Torlasco, Tosti, I Somelieri, Antica Realta' … .

In particular this important and exclusive Fair was the perfect occasion for the official presentation of Art Wine created all over the world, 100% handmade in Italy, designed by the Artist Simone Filosi (and only available in the official shop of 100ITA in “Antica Realtà” is the name of this very special wine, a Moscato Rosè in which the classic Moscato d’Asti white is blended with an ancient grape of Black moscato rediscovered by the producer of the wine.  It attracted guests with a high degree of visual and gustatory love.

The participation to the Exhibition "2023 THE 24TH CHINA(ANHUI) INTERNATIONAL WINE AND FOOD FAIR" from 3rd to 5th November 2023 was realized with the support of PR - ERDF 2021-2027 - Priority 1 - OS 1.3 - Action 1.3.2 - Support for the internationalization of SMEs - Public notice for the presentation of internationalization projects of SMEs through participation in international fairs which they take place from 1 September 2023 to 30 June 2024.

La partecipazione alla fiera "2023 THE 24TH CHINA(ANHUI) INTERNATIONAL WINE AND FOOD FAIR" svolta dal 3 al 5 Novembre 2023 è stata realizzata anche grazie al contributo con il supporto PR - FESR 2021-2027 - Priorità 1 - OS 1.3 - Azione 1.3.2 - Sostegno all’internazionalizzazione delle PMI - Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di progetti di internazionalizzazione delle PMI mediante la partecipazione a fiere internazionali che si svolgono dall’1 settembre 2023 al 30 giugno 2024. 

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