
Christmas: Historic record for the Made in Italy on foreign tables

This Christmas an historic record has been registered on the holydays tables of all around the world by the export of Made in Italy wines, spumante, grappa and liquors, panettone, cheeses, cured meats but also caviar that only for Christmas reached the 3,2 billion Euros (+3%). The analysis made by Coldiretti underlines the growth of exportations of all most typical Christmas products: from spumante (+24%) to caviar (+3%), panettone (+1%), but also wines (+3%) cured meats (+8%) and cheeses (+7%). To lead this Italian Christmas abroad there is th "spumante" that registers a growth in value of +46% in Great Britain and +31% in the United States, first and second market respectively for italians bubbles which go well in France to, home of Champagne, where a +57% in sales is registered.

Christmas: Historic record for the Made in Italy on foreign tables

This Christmas an historic record has been registered on the holydays tables of all around the world by the export of Made in Italy wines, spumante, grappa and liquors, panettone, cheeses, cured meats but also caviar that only for Christmas reached the 3,2 billion Euros (+3%). The analysis made by Coldiretti underlines the growth of exportations of all most typical Christmas products: from spumante (+24%) to caviar (+3%), panettone (+1%), but also wines (+3%) cured meats (+8%) and cheeses (+7%). To lead this Italian Christmas abroad there is th "spumante" that registers a growth in value of +46% in Great Britain and +31% in the United States, first and second market respectively for italians bubbles which go well in France to, home of Champagne, where a +57% in sales is registered.
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